Thursday, July 7, 2011

My party and the media are failing me

It's the liberal's fault that Casey Anthony was found not guilty...moron republicans...good job...I can't go independent because that just means you are all over the place...I hate the ability to even declare yourself's a have to believe in something.  choose a side...even Libertarian, Rainbow, I don't care.  With how moronic the liberals are that are in office, it's a travesty that the tea party is able to cause more reform and take more power than the idiot republiicans.  At least they make more noise and cause more of a debate.  I cannot believe everyone has allowed the hippy media to divert everyone's attention from the many issues facing our nation with this melodramatic soap opera called the Casey Anthony verdict.

Think about it.  You have a long trial.  Soap operas often have trials that go on for weeks and months.  Then an episode every day about the fallout from the verdict.  So you people are so freaking educated and passionate about this case, but when it comes to being buried financially, in debt up to your eyeballs, underwater with your mortgages, you choose to throw your passion to a mother who may or may not have killed her child.  My favorite thing is that none of you people have any idea what happened other than what the media is feeding you and you EAT IT UP and the rumours spread like a virus.

Then is another one of my top things.  People now say that "what if this happened to you...something needs to be done".  The chance of someone murdering someone you know and getting away with it in a trial are close to the same chance of lightening striking your FREAKING HOUSE.  Stop it...stop letting the media herd you as sheep.  That is what they are doing.  This trial is no OJ least Simpson was well known and was supposed to be a good guy...Who the hell is Casey FREAKING Anthony?  Someone that 80% of men would sleep with...YES...but how is she captivating.  Why this trial when so many things like this have happened before without a whisper?  Because things are going bad for the people in office and they are working with the media to cause a smokescreen like they always do.

I IMPLORE you...I BEG you....put this energy into something A LOT more useful.  Something that will actually have a chance of changing things for the better.  I am not going to tell you what that is because it is different for each person, but allowing this smokescreen to continue to distract you while people like Antigua up in Lowell are running around stealing the tax payers money is ABSURD.

Thank you

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chinese NBA All Star Voters

Oh brilliant Chinese people...stop voting for people who ARE HURT FOR THE happy you get a continue to show you don't deserve it yet David Stern has to be "politically correct" and let you vote despite your constant show of inability.  Yao Ming has been hurt for a while now.  Yet now you force the commissioner to pick a player because you refuse to use your vote with respect.  You are given the power to choose the starters for the NBA all star game...with that power comes responsibility.  Since you don't respect that responsibility, your voting rights should be revoked/suspended.  Why doesn't the NBA just not count votes for hurt players...I don't get it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

media blowhards

I feel no remorse for not feeling badly if a media blowhard falls ill/is hurt/something negative happens to that person.  Screw them.  They make money based on babbling and irritating people.  It's manure.  They don't do anything progressive for society.  If anything, they prevent people from getting anything done.  If you want to speak in a normal manner and explain your point with cited, accurate examples...fine...I can say I agree/disagree with you and move on.  But if you are going to get all worked up like these morons, go get bent.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

blinkers & brakes

People want less accidents...people want people to be less stressed...well PEOPLE...use a freaking blinker!  It's not an option on the car.  It is as standard as freaking headlights...Do you drive in the dark and not put them on too?  Bums...all of you...lazy bums...I wouldn't trust you to do the most mundane task since you are either totally ignorant or plain dumb.  It's unacceptable.  Thanks for ruining travel by being incosiderate and selfish.

And you people who ride the breaks the whole time you drive...really?  REALLY?!  That is the most dangerous and obnoxious way to drive.  No one knows when you are slowing down and your feet are all over the place so you have no idea what pedals you are hitting.  Good job endangering everyone.

You know people are all worked up about guns and drunk driving, but these things are ignored which is crap to me because the above are more prevalent (at least the non blinker users) and can be just as dangerous.  Ticket the crap out of these people!

Friday, January 21, 2011

The morning

my snow is done...4-5 inches...looks heavy...I respect forcing people to go to work on time during this.  Are you supposed to shovel at 4AM and wake up at 3:30 and then be productive? Or would it be better to go in a few hours late, get a normal rest and be productive and KEEP OFF THE DAMN ROADS SO THEY CAN BE PLOWED AND ELIMINATE THE ACCIDENTS!?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Josh freaking Hamilton - everyone's hero

This has always been one of my biggest irritations in life.  Let me get this straight.  I need to do a bunch of hard drugs and drink heavily, ruin my life, and then stop and I am a GREAT story.  Really?  REALLY?!  Doesn't ANYONE see the flaw in that logic?  How about we celebrate NOT ever going down that road and just being normal to begin with?  So I am going to go out, buy an 8 ball of coke, get some rock...snort and smoke it up daily for a year and then quit and go back to work.  Will everyone think I am a GREAT story or a degenerate?  I guess if I played that baseball sport, I would be God's gift to humans.  I just can't comprehend it.  Every time I hear someone say on TV or anywhere how he is a GREAT story, I want to vomit.  He's a great baseball player...but don't ever try to convince me how great of a story/human he is because people like Albert Pujols and Derek Jeter are able to be great players and did not need to throw their lives in the gutter first to do it.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fantasy football

I hate Fantasy football for what it has done to sports...people looks now at who is best based on stats only...that's stupid and shallow.  We used to care about there are special segments to celebrate stats...really?  special shows about fantasy football?  What does that teach the youth?  A garbage TD is better than a 5 yard run to seal the win?  YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME....where are the special segments for winning?